August 16, 2012
By Capt. Daniëlle Hamer, 30th MEDCOM Public Affairs
Sembach, Germany — The smell of new leather embraces Soldiers who walk into the renovated Warrior Zone in the bowling alley on Sembach Kaserne.
Soldiers entering the Warrior Zone are welcomed by tall coffee-shop style tables, magazines to read, couches to sink into in front of a multitude of TVs and gaming systems, and neatly positioned remote controls on each side table ready to comply with their users’ endless demands. The space evokes a sense of coziness that feels like a living room with its plush couches and flowers on the tables.
“We want Soldiers to feel at home here. This is a VIP lounge for everybody,” said Gert Lindenau, recreational aide for Morale, Welfare, and Recreation.
The updated Warrior Zone features six flat screen TVs with cable and DVD players, six XBOX 360 systems, eight computers, a pool table, and free Wi-Fi through three different hubs. Soldiers can also enjoy snack bar foods from the bowling alley portion, which has 12 bowling lanes.
“I think the Wi-Fi is really great, and it’s just a comfortable place to kick back and watch a movie” said Spec. Julie Brinko of 30th Medical Command, who has worked on Sembach for two weeks.
“I go eat at the bowling alley in the morning and then I use it,” Brinko said of the Warrior Zone and free Wi-Fi. Brinko said it’s a nice recreation point for Soldiers to relax.
It is not just tenant unit Soldiers who enjoy the center. Soldiers who live on other installations in the area use the facilities with the same ease.
“I come here during lunch or whenever I am on Sembach,” said Spec. Anthony Stokes of the 95th Military Police Battalion who lives on Vogelweh but works and often spends time with friends on Sembach Kaserne.
“My favorite part is the couches,” Stokes said.
The Warrior Zone may not have seen much use yet, but that is not likely to last. With several more units moving to Sembach Kaserne bringing many young Soldiers, the Warrior Zone is set up to meet their social needs.