In an email from Edward “Beetle” Bailey (822nd TMS, A-Flight) to Russ Reston, dated 18 Aug. 2008, Beetle writes:
“We were selected to take a bird to downtown Orlando. We were to put on a static display. We did the work and the Public Relations folks took over. We got dirty they didn’t. I think it was Armed Forces Day or something. The best part was driving the convoy though Orlando. You had to keep the RPM’s up or you couldn’t turn. The old Terracruiser scared the hell out of every driver we encountered. Kids loved it and cheered. Truck seemed even bigger in traffic.”
In an email from Robert (Bob) Perkins (38th MMS, Site III) to Russ Reston, dated 27 Mar. 2013, Bob writes:
“Reading this story about a TM-76A in downtown Orlando brings back a memory. Some of us airmen in training were asked to volunteer for duty escorting and guarding a missile that was used at a football game! I don’t remember very well but I think it was a bowl game of some type. I volunteered as did several other airmen. What we learned then is we had to guard all night at the ball field before the event, man was it cold that night. We sure were glad to see the concession folks set up the next day with hot coffee. At least we got to watch the game.”
Photos (circa early 1960) courtesy of Beetle Bailey.
(Click on photos to see larger image.)