From: Jack L. Attebury (822nd TMS)
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010
Subject: Shear Bolts Will
Russ, I did not know there was a picture of this incident but I was on duty when this happened and it was my bird. I had to get up inside of the thing and disconnect the warhead as it was slowly coming down. They kept lowering the cherry picker as I and a missile guy were up there.
I jumped on a drunken Tech Sgt who was on the “H” frame like a monkey. He said he was sorry and I said he could be dead.
When we went in the blockhouse to eat he took off his hat and coat and he was a full bull. I almost passed out and he said it was alright he knew I was doing my job. No one wanted to call this a Bent Spear and we were told it would not be called that even after I got the book out. The wing commander said it will not be one. Must be nice to be able to do that.
Source unknown – October 1962
(contributed by Julian “Bud” Fellers, 587th MMS, B-Flight)
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