Site II – Soon to be a Solar Park

May 2012

Sembach Solar Park
Sembach Air Base’s former Mace Missile Site II in Enkenbach will soon become a solar energy ‘farm’. The land is currently being cleared, after many years of over-growth and neglect.

A private investor, with public funding assistance, plans to build a photovoltaic power station (also known as a solar ‘farm’ or solar ‘park’), and sell the resultant power to the German electrical grid.

Wolfgang Löster, a resident of Enkenbach-Alsenborn visited the site recently with his wife, Veronika Olma (a talented local artist) and their dog Bazi.   He made the following video and has kindly allowed it to be posted on this website.


ehemalige air base bei Enkenbach
(former air base in Enkenbach)


Some additional info…

Solar and wind farms are a common sight in Rhineland-Palatinate. The area is well suited to the production of solar and wind energy.

At Gewerbepark Sembach (a business park on the former location of the Sembach AB flightline), HegerFerrit has its own solar ‘park’ and manufactures wind turbine components. Not far away in Enkenbach, its parent company, HegerGuss, produces hubs for big offshore wind turbines. And… if you travel the A63 Autobahn between Kaiserslautern and Mainz, one wind turbine grows after an other. At some places, you can see 100 or more.

Wind turbines - Germany