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194 entries.
Thank you for the lot of information!
We live in Enkenbach, next to Sembach and Mehlingen. Bazi is our dog. He loves to walk \"Gassi\" at the abandoned sites - and I love to learn how it was there in former times.
Veronika, Wolfgang and Bazi from Enkenbach
We live in Enkenbach, next to Sembach and Mehlingen. Bazi is our dog. He loves to walk \"Gassi\" at the abandoned sites - and I love to learn how it was there in former times.
Veronika, Wolfgang and Bazi from Enkenbach
Very interesting site. I was at Sembach in 1972-75 as an SP and Disaster Preparedness officer, so saw only the empty sites. We knew little about the prior missions, a lot may have still been classified at that time, so it is great to learn more about them. Hosting a reunion at Sembach this September - hope some of you can attend. We\'ll enjoy your stories.
Beryl C Ristine passed away from natural causes on 26 January 2012. Beryl arrived at Sembach in March 1961, assigned to the Missile Maintenance squadron. Initially, he was a maintenance crew chief/supervisor and subsequently sent to Quality Control performing administrative duties. He was transferred to Vandenberg AFB in 1965 where he was assigned to the instrumentation section of the 4392d Comm Squadron maintaining the telemetry systems for the Minuteman missile. Beryl retired as a MSgt and made his home in Santa Maria, California after 24 years of service.
Went to Sembach with the 11th TMS after tech school at lowrey for Nuc Wpns 46350. I was in thwe armenent section of the 587 support squadron Went to Tripoli and rotated June 59. I just wonder why the emphasis of this site is from 60 on?
I was not in the missile operations. My sqdn was the Base comm/teletype/my afsc was Cryptography from Aug 1957 to Aug 1960. My work place was two fold, one was down in the foot ball field in what was built to look like locker rooms and in later years we moved to up on the hill, behind the chapel and it was the teen center when I was last a Sembach in 1987. What a tidal wave memories, never will forget when Powers was shot down over Russia in 1960 (think it was) and we put in some over time - big time, it looked like: \" Show Time!\" Germany is good place for young, single guys!
I did 10 years active and 15 reserve then retired. My civilian job was Police Sgt, served nearly 30 years. Wayne Mills age 76 Oklahoma City,Okla 2011 Dec.
I did 10 years active and 15 reserve then retired. My civilian job was Police Sgt, served nearly 30 years. Wayne Mills age 76 Oklahoma City,Okla 2011 Dec.
I will always look back affectionately on my time at Sembach AB arriving their Sept.
1957 and sadly leaving on Aug of 1960. The beautfy of Germany was as heart warming
the last time I look back from the bus taking me to Rhein Main as it was the very first
time I saw in 1957. My added enjoyment of Germany was that I am fluent in the German
language, no, I am not German โ Cherokee indian but German was a weird hobby that certainly came in handy. I use to be very amused at the new comers to the base having no
desire to master German until they found out that all thos beautiful Frauleins spoke only German โ then they came knocking on my door. I return to German frequently due to
having married a German woman that I met here in my home town of Oklahoma City, Okla.
We visit the North Sea coast town of Heide in the state of Schwig Holstein. I did stop
off at Sembach in the summer of 1987 just as the barracks were being renovated. I retired from the USAF after 5 years of a navy enlistment and then 5 years of air force
plus 15 years as a reservist and Okla. Air National Guard. I received an air force pension and police pension. My highest rank was Tsge (E6 โ 25 years total) and Patrol Sgt on the Midwest City Police Dept. My city of police service was just across the street from Tinker AFB. I love to tell people that I made 5 stripes with the USAF and
saved nearly 100 stripes for others. โ Sgt, should I arrest you for DUI or let your wife drive? โ Best to all of you and keep up the good work.
1957 and sadly leaving on Aug of 1960. The beautfy of Germany was as heart warming
the last time I look back from the bus taking me to Rhein Main as it was the very first
time I saw in 1957. My added enjoyment of Germany was that I am fluent in the German
language, no, I am not German โ Cherokee indian but German was a weird hobby that certainly came in handy. I use to be very amused at the new comers to the base having no
desire to master German until they found out that all thos beautiful Frauleins spoke only German โ then they came knocking on my door. I return to German frequently due to
having married a German woman that I met here in my home town of Oklahoma City, Okla.
We visit the North Sea coast town of Heide in the state of Schwig Holstein. I did stop
off at Sembach in the summer of 1987 just as the barracks were being renovated. I retired from the USAF after 5 years of a navy enlistment and then 5 years of air force
plus 15 years as a reservist and Okla. Air National Guard. I received an air force pension and police pension. My highest rank was Tsge (E6 โ 25 years total) and Patrol Sgt on the Midwest City Police Dept. My city of police service was just across the street from Tinker AFB. I love to tell people that I made 5 stripes with the USAF and
saved nearly 100 stripes for others. โ Sgt, should I arrest you for DUI or let your wife drive? โ Best to all of you and keep up the good work.
I was with the 417th TFS at Ramstein, 1966 - 1968. Hoisted way too many Parkbrau\'s
My website is about the 417th
Thanks and great site.
My website is about the 417th
Thanks and great site.
I would like to thank all memebers of the 38th Tactical Missle Wing that worked for and with my father Lt. Col. Jack T. Hall. He passed away the 25th of Nov. 2011. He was a great father, a good friend and a man that loved his family. I will miss him. Thank you all. Jack P. Hall, son.
I was an Airman in the 38th Supply Sq and 38th ABGp 3/60 to 10/63. Met my wife in Germany. Stayed in the AF and retired as an 0-3 in 1982. We return to Germany every few years to visit.
For Everyone\'s Info
The article that JR is referring to was posted on the TAC Missileers website.
The article that JR is referring to was posted on the TAC Missileers website.
Just read a Guest book submission by SM/SGT Sid Segler on the TAC Missileer website, and I hope some can say that what he has asserted isn\'t so, \"that being during the RFML changeover involving the TM76A an undetected defect was involved with the LEU hand crank that would have resulted in no Mace ever leaving the launch pad\" I shudder to think that we all spent 3 years or more on alert duty in the block house, and that if the time came to do what we were trained for, the system would have failed as asserted by Sgt Segler. \"Say it isn\'t so\"
John \"JR\" Moore 823rd TMS crew 2-7
John \"JR\" Moore 823rd TMS crew 2-7
That\'s my pop! A2C Henry Blair - 38th MMS
S. R. Blair, USAF
That\'s my pop! A2C Henry Blair - 38th MMS
S. R. Blair, USAF
Started at Lowry AFB, Orlando AFB, Camp Happiness, Sembach AB. I wish I knew then what I know now.
Things would have been different
Things would have been different
There will be a Sembach AB mini-reunion in Branson, MO from 7 - 9 Oct. Branson is beautiful, affordable & there is a lot to do for varying interests. Please let me know if you are interested.
Clint Huffman
38th APRON. 63-67
Clint Huffman
38th APRON. 63-67
Hi Russ and Bob,
I am unfortunately only now. I thank you for the quick help.
The link to the Nike site by Bob from Sachsenheim is worth gold. Excuse the lousy English, the translater of Google has made.
Best Wishes
Hans W.Bayha
I am unfortunately only now. I thank you for the quick help.
The link to the Nike site by Bob from Sachsenheim is worth gold. Excuse the lousy English, the translater of Google has made.
Best Wishes
Hans W.Bayha
Bob Bolton (887th TMS - Grรผnstadt ) was kind enough to translate the previous guestbook entry submitted by Hans Bayha. Thanks Bob!!!
\"As part of research about U.S. military facilities in Germany, I am lead to your very informative website.
I was born in 1944 and in my youth and even later, very often met with U.S. soldiers, hence my interest. To my very great regret, many U.S. garrisons in and around Stuttgart in
the last two decades have been disbanded. To my knowledge there are only 3 U.S. barracks in Stuttgart, which is not beneficial to the continued cultural exchange any longer.
Now I have a question for you: Can someone tell me which U.S. unit was stationed at the rocket position near Gross Sachsenheim near Stuttgart I once was there, it must have been the end of the sixties, at the invitation of MSgt. \"Herbie\".
Herbie unfortunately died in 1998 and his wife no longer lives also.
Best wishes
Hans W. Bayha\"
Bob also advised that more information about the former Nike site at Sachsenheim / Gross Sachsenheim, can be found at this link - .
\"As part of research about U.S. military facilities in Germany, I am lead to your very informative website.
I was born in 1944 and in my youth and even later, very often met with U.S. soldiers, hence my interest. To my very great regret, many U.S. garrisons in and around Stuttgart in
the last two decades have been disbanded. To my knowledge there are only 3 U.S. barracks in Stuttgart, which is not beneficial to the continued cultural exchange any longer.
Now I have a question for you: Can someone tell me which U.S. unit was stationed at the rocket position near Gross Sachsenheim near Stuttgart I once was there, it must have been the end of the sixties, at the invitation of MSgt. \"Herbie\".
Herbie unfortunately died in 1998 and his wife no longer lives also.
Best wishes
Hans W. Bayha\"
Bob also advised that more information about the former Nike site at Sachsenheim / Gross Sachsenheim, can be found at this link - .
Im Rahmen von Forschungen รผber US-Militaer Standorte in Deutschland bin ich auf ihre sehr informative Webseite gestossen.
Ich bin Jahrgang 1944 und in meiner Jugendzeit und nachher auch noch, sehr oft mit US-Soldaten zusammen gekommen, daher mein Interesse daran. Zu meinem grossen Bedauern sind sehr viele US Garnisonen in Stuttgart und Umgebung in den letzten Zwei Jahrzehnten aufgeloest worden. Meines Wissen gibt es nur noch 3 US Kasernen in Stuttgart,was dem kulturellen Austausch nicht gerade foerderlich ist.
Nun habe ich eine Frage an euch:
Kann mir jemand sagen welche US-Einheit auf
der Raketen-Stellung in GROSSACHSENHEIM bei
Stuttgart (Germany) stationiert war. Ich war
einmal, muss Ende der sechziger Jahre gewesen sein, auf Einladung des MSgt, \"Herbie\" dort.
Leider ist Herbie schon 1998 verstorben und seine Frau lebt auch nicht mehr.
Viele Gruesse
Hans W. Bayha
Ich bin Jahrgang 1944 und in meiner Jugendzeit und nachher auch noch, sehr oft mit US-Soldaten zusammen gekommen, daher mein Interesse daran. Zu meinem grossen Bedauern sind sehr viele US Garnisonen in Stuttgart und Umgebung in den letzten Zwei Jahrzehnten aufgeloest worden. Meines Wissen gibt es nur noch 3 US Kasernen in Stuttgart,was dem kulturellen Austausch nicht gerade foerderlich ist.
Nun habe ich eine Frage an euch:
Kann mir jemand sagen welche US-Einheit auf
der Raketen-Stellung in GROSSACHSENHEIM bei
Stuttgart (Germany) stationiert war. Ich war
einmal, muss Ende der sechziger Jahre gewesen sein, auf Einladung des MSgt, \"Herbie\" dort.
Leider ist Herbie schon 1998 verstorben und seine Frau lebt auch nicht mehr.
Viele Gruesse
Hans W. Bayha
Duty from Feb 1962 to Dec. 1964. 38th Msl. Maint. Sqd. Duty near Bremen at a shooting range. Nuclear detonation detection system repairman. Group of 15 airmen at 3 different sites. Any info of original group will be gladly received.
Been a while since I left a message and havn\'t seen any names that I remember in quite a while.
Lowery 3515th Mace A June to October 1961
4504th OAFB October 61 to Jan 62, Sembach 822 TMS & 823 TMS Tech 1 through December 1964 then back to OAFB as instructer until discharge. Can be reached at
Lowery 3515th Mace A June to October 1961
4504th OAFB October 61 to Jan 62, Sembach 822 TMS & 823 TMS Tech 1 through December 1964 then back to OAFB as instructer until discharge. Can be reached at
I worked on RB57A, B/RB/ WB57B, C, D and E however I had never seen / heard of a JB57. You learn something new every day! I was stationed at Yokota AB (3rd BW and 6091RS) and Kirtland AFB (1211 TSS / 58th WRS). The 58th WRS received F models after I was discharged. There may have been other B57 units at Yokota I don\'t remember, I flew to DM AFB at Tucson to install engines in a B57 which had been modified with a Bomarc missle section grafted on the nose. There is a photo on page 164 of Bob Mikesh\'s book. There is a photo of a B57 with a TM-76A MACE missile nose grafted on page 165. (Robert C. Mikesh - Martin B-57 Canberra: The Complete Record).
I was stationed here from first time overseas. It was probably the most fun I ever had in my life. I was a young Airman and I was set free like a maniac in Europe. I\'ll never forget the fun I had and the friends I made at Sembach.
1963-1965 assigned Tech 1 missile maintenance
crew, site 3, then dispatch crew and then spent time as site aide to CSMGT Culpepper.
Lived off base with my wife in Alsenborn.
Reassigned to Malstrom AFB in Montana to
aircraft missiles after my assignment.
crew, site 3, then dispatch crew and then spent time as site aide to CSMGT Culpepper.
Lived off base with my wife in Alsenborn.
Reassigned to Malstrom AFB in Montana to
aircraft missiles after my assignment.
Typo error on the website in my first post. Anyone visiting this site who was stationed at North Point (Kriegsfeld Special Weapons Depot) visit our site and if you have not already joined our group contact me so we can sign you up! Thanks! Ron
I was a member of the 619th Ord Co at Kriegsfeld Germany in the 1969\'s. Sembach was close and we passed it often going to and fro. I\'m sure that some of the war heads we serviced ended up on your boomers. Cool site by the way!